Is it just me or does anyone else think phil mickelson is the biggest dork on the tour. i understand that dork is a really dorky way to describe someone but thats the only word i can think of that truly captures the way phil carries himself. Every time phil makes a shot he makes that goofy smile to the croud, walks like an ape and then nods his head to the croud as to say thank you a hundred times on the way to his next shot. i would rather have seen anybody else but phil win the masters and that even includes K.J. Choi who i am convinced is a robot.
Maybe i am being an ass because phil has had some family issues and usually you would cheer for a guy like that to win just because of his harships but i just cant bring myself to do it. is it wrong that i hate phil? am i the only one who hates phil for his dorky mannerisms?
Guy, I couldn't agree more. I feel like slapping that stupid smile off of his face most of the time. When he made that shot on 13, and all of the announcers sounded like they wanted to suck him off after the round, I shut off the TV. I never cheer for him, he seems super fake, and thinks his shit don't stink. Just saying.
ReplyDeleteyep such a homo, him and his chicken tits can go fuck them selves